Innovation in Automotive Electronics

Innovation in Automotive Electronics

The first Wearable device coming from Apple rocked the entire world during its first Discharge, This specific is usually APPLE WATCH, as well as IPHONE coming from series 5 to the present, Which incidentally became a competitor of ANDROID made by Google, they are some Subjects who play an important role inside the change of the entire world due to Technology, the entire world is usually changing for Technology Developments which they are born. although here we do not discuss Details about their Products, although will discuss about Innovation in Automotive Electronics.
I had attended the Automotive Electronics Conference held at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Electronics City, Bangalore in April 2011. Most of the details presented here are form the conference. The purpose of the article is usually to introduce the reader to Automotive Electronics along with highlight the scope for development of newer technologies inside the Automotive Electronics domain. India is usually facing lot of problems due to an increasing number of vehicles added on to India's roads everyday. The main problems associated are congestion, parking problems, pollution along with recycle-ability of the vehicles. There is usually also a shortage of petroleum in India along with hence there is usually need for alternative fuels. Hence, solutions such as fuel cell along with battery operated vehicles are to be explored. Sensors such as Tyre pressure sensors can be useful in increasing fuel efficiency.
Eco-driving is usually also an important concept which involves driving for optimum efficiency. Electronic Control Units(ECU) can be designed to provide optimum driving conditions which increase the efficiency. For example, an ECU can be designed to accelerate smoothly along with brake gradually. There are also challenges involved inside the development of electric vehicles mainly with regard to battery efficiency. Areas such as firmware, dedicated intelligence chips along with ECU's are in demand inside the Automotive Electronics industry. The recent trends inside the Automobile Industry highlights the scope for electronics inside the Industry. On an average, any automobile has about 50 ECU's. 13% of the manufacturing cost includes cost for software. 35% of the cost of a car comes coming from the electronic units involved in This specific. Also, 80% of the automotive innovation inside the recent years has been coming from Automotive Electronics.
Vehicle wiring has been an important aspect of discussion as well. Vehicle wiring can be reduced through in-vehicle networks.Plug along with play devices for vehicles is usually to be thought of, which will be in demand inside the near future. Also, there are safety related issues inside the present vehicles along with hence there is usually a need to build different electronics sensors along with different systems which enhance the safety. Intelligent sensors which monitor the driver activity along with look for accident causing situations can be thought of. Sensors such as Tyre pressure sensors can be useful in increasing fuel efficiency. Further aspect of the discussion is usually in regard to providing vehicle specific information. This specific can be achieved through driver information systems. 

To implement This specific, there is usually a need to identify along with differentiate each vehicle coming from others in an intelligent way. Hence, Intelligent name plates have been thought of which use RFID's along with different identification devices. There is usually also scope for innovation inside the navigation systems in a vehicle. Smart messages can be provided to the driver. Also, diagnostics plays an important role inside the life cycle for the newer generation vehicles. Sometimes, the cause of malfunctioning of a component is usually not known. Hence On Board Diagnostics (OBD) units would certainly help to diagnose any malfunctioning component.  This specific can make use of Open Diagnostics Data Exchange(ODX). 

Also, design for diagnosability is usually being carried out inside the recent years. The diagnostics protocols are pre-defined. Human-Machine interface is usually one of the newly introduced technologies inside the vehicles. Features such as hologram HUD, Auto pilot along with cruise control can be implemented on real-time engines. Transportation Information Systems are also an area where newer innovations can be thought of. They include transport data management, transport network overlays, fuel along with emission data management along with identification of gross polluting vehicles.
Since  there has been an exponential growth inside the field of automotive electronics, there is usually a need for standardization as well. The software layer as integration platform along with the application interfaces which follow a particular standard are to be designed. There is usually a need for common architecture since integration of functional modules coming from different suppliers are to be done. Multicore controllers could also be implemented for computation intensive applications inside the vehicles. AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture) architecture by Robert Bosch is usually important in This specific regard. Communication protocols along with interfacing technology are yet to be standardized.
To help facilitate innovation, This specific is usually also important to challenge the boundaries which limit us. Also, there can be structured innovation wherein a framework is usually defined for innovation. The above mentioned issues contribute to major areas wherein innovation can be achieved inside the area of Automotive Electronics. Several of the above mentioned problems are yet to find a solution along with hence I believe This specific article can get into the minds of the reader which can lead to brainstorming which can lead to newer innovations inside the Automotive Electronics industry.

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