completely new Horizons completes marathon Pluto data transfer

completely new Horizons completes marathon Pluto data transfer

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NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) has received the final piece of data collected by the agency's completely new Horizons probe during its encounter with the dwarf planet Pluto, which took place on July 14, 2015. Data via the completely new Horizons mission has revolutionized our understanding of Pluto, revealing the planetoid to be a surprisingly dynamic along with active member of our solar system.Unlike NASA's Dawn mission, which has today spent over a year exploring the dwarf planet Ceres, completely new Horizons never made orbit around its target. Instead, the probe had only a brief window in which to harvest as much information as possible, before barreling past Pluto into the outer reaches of our solar system.During the pass, completely new Horizons' meager power supply of only 200 watts ran a sophisticated suite of seven scientific instruments, which worked to collect over 50 gigabits of data. This kind of information was safely stored in two solid-state digital recorders in which form part of the probe's command along with data-handling system.Sending This kind of data back to Earth would likely prove to be a lesson in patience. completely new Horizons began transmitting the stored data in September 2015 at a rate of around seven megabits per hour. The information was received back on Earth by NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN).The transmission was not continuous. The natural spin of the Earth necessitated completely new Horizons to transmit data in eight hour stints when the DSN was available, resulting in a transfer rate of around 173 megabits per day.Furthermore, the completely new Horizons team had to share the capabilities of the DSN with various other exploration endeavors such as the Dawn mission, further frustrating the data transmission rate.However, slow along with steady wins the race, along with at 5:48 a.m. EDT on the 25th of October, over a year after beginning the process, the DSN station located in Canberra, Australia, relayed the final piece of Pluto data via completely new Horizons to the probe's mission operations center at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland.The last data transmission contained part of an observation sequence of Pluto along with its large moon Charon, as captured by the spacecraft's Ralph/LEISA imager."The Pluto system data in which completely new Horizons collected has amazed us over along with over again with the beauty along with complexity of Pluto along with its system of moons," comments Alan Stern, completely new Horizons principal investigator via Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. "There's a great deal of work ahead for us to understand the 400-plus scientific observations in which have all been sent to Earth. along with in which's exactly what we're going to do –after all, who knows when the next data via a spacecraft visiting Pluto will be sent?"
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